Canadian Healing Institute

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Revealing Yourself

Reveal what you came here to do!

The world exists only so that you may reveal yourself without fear of being rejected.

Without fear of being ridiculed.

How many things do you fail because you fear of being exposed? How many experiences have you missed because you feared erring?

Fear of making mistakes stops a person from revealing himself.

And the less he reveals himself, the more he sinks into the well of conformity and monotony.

The day will arrive when you wake up and no longer know who you are because of the constant hiding.Do you know who you are? Do you know who you will become?

Life is made of experience. Every time you reject an experience for fear of being exposed, for fear of making mistakes and being judged, you are cheating your soul of experiences. And by cheating it of experiences you are also cheating it of knowledge and wisdom.

Never forget. What matters is not whether you make mistakes

What matters is not whether you stop making mistakes. The world is dual and imperfect. You are dual and imperfect, and consequently it is more likely that you will continue to make mistakes regardless whether you reveal yourself or not. What matters is how you react to those mistakes, what you learn from them, and how much you evolve from the mistake you have made.